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The Saint And The Scorpion

In ‘The Saint and the Scorpion,’ discover a powerful tale of compassion and resilience as a monk saves a scorpion despite facing adversity.

Once, there was a monk traveling through the Himalayas. On a sunny morning, he reached a shallow river he needed to cross. As he was about to step into the water, he saw a scorpion struggling to stay afloat. Knowing scorpions can’t swim and seeing it unable to reach the riverbank, the monk decided to rescue it to prevent it from drowning.

So, the monk gently lifted the struggling scorpion in his left hand, planning to place it safely on dry land. But just as he was about to do so, the scorpion suddenly stung his finger and quickly scurried back into the water. It continued struggling to get out. Despite the pain in his left hand, the monk remained calm, soothing it with his right hand.

Keeping in mind that the scorpion might die, the monk switched to using his right hand to lift it out of the water. But the scorpion panicked and stung him again. It quickly slipped from his grasp and fell back into the river, continuing to struggle. Now, both of the monk’s hands were throbbing with intense pain.

Undeterred, the monk persisted in his rescue mission. He carefully gathered the scorpion in his hands and swiftly placed it onto dry land before it could react. The scorpion disappeared among the pebbles near the riverbank, and the monk felt a surge of happiness, knowing he had saved its life through his determination. He believed the pain he endured was worth it.

Unnoticed by the monk, a man who had witnessed the entire event approached him. Surprised and puzzled, he asked, “May I ask you a question?”

“Of course,” replied the monk.

The man shared his thoughts, saying, “Firstly, I don’t see the point in saving a scorpion. It doesn’t benefit anyone and is generally seen as harmful. Secondly, if your intention was kindness or compassion, one attempt should have been enough. I’m surprised you kept trying after it stung you so ungratefully. Can you explain why you didn’t just squash it after that?”

The sage responded, “Well, it’s quite simple, my dear. You see, a scorpion’s nature is to sting, cause pain, panic, and harm others. They’re not known for being kind or compassionate. They’re considered weak. On the other hand, as a monk, it’s my duty to spread love, kindness, and compassion wherever I go. I’m supposed to be strong in my values, principles, philosophy, ethics, lifestyle, and mindset. I aim to uplift and transform others. Do you agree?”

The young man agreed with the monk’s words.

The monk continued, “So, when a tiny, weak creature like a scorpion doesn’t change its nature, should I, as a sage, abandon my virtuous conduct and principles? Am I so weak that a stingy creature can change me? The scorpion acted according to its nature, and I acted according to mine. My duty is to help any creature, whether human or animal, and that’s what I did.”

The man bowed down before the monk, grateful for the wisdom he had shared.

The Saint And The Scorpion – Moral Of The Story

The story teaches us that genuine compassion isn’t dependent on receiving thanks or positive outcomes. Despite encountering pain and ingratitude, the monk continued to save the scorpion, showing unconditional compassion. It emphasizes the significance of staying loyal to our values even when faced with challenges and the urge to react negatively. Like the monk, we should aim to be kind and empathetic towards others, regardless of their actions or reactions. This way, we promote compassion and make the world a better place.

The Saint And The Scorpion – Lessons And Application To Our Lives

Here are some valuable lessons and practical applications that can be drawn from the story of the saint and the scorpion:

The story emphasizes the importance of showing compassion and empathy towards all beings, regardless of their actions or behavior. Despite being stung multiple times, the monk continued to help the scorpion, demonstrating the power of compassion to overcome obstacles.

The monk remained true to his values and principles of kindness and compassion, even in the face of adversity. This underscores the importance of upholding our values and principles, even when it may be easier to compromise them.

The monk recognized that it is the scorpion’s inherent nature to sting. Accepting this allowed him to have understanding and empathy for the scorpion rather than reacting out of anger. I believe accepting people for who they are, just as the monk accepted the scorpion’s nature, fosters deeper understanding and empathy in our interactions with others.

We can practically apply these lessons in various aspects of life, such as personal relationships, professional endeavors, and interactions with the broader community. By cultivating compassion, persistence, forgiveness, and a commitment to our values, we can contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

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